Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Super Tuesday

I decide to link up with Nicholl over at The Chiffon Diary today, for Facts Tuesday ;)
Fact: I am not afraid of no makeup days.... (like today!..)
Fact: I think deleting friends in the FB "world" is a little childish - I admit I have done it before!
Fact: Buns & Braids are the hairstyles of laziness, at least in my case and yet they can still look chic.
Fact: My washer & dryer are half the size of a normal washer & dryer, so I get to spend twice the amount of time doing laundry then I would when I was living at my parents house! & I am ever so NOT fond of laundry. #confession
Fact: 70% of people I work with are older than I am as in my parents age or older. (no offense mom & dad!)
Fact: One of my great friends from college, and coworkers is getting married next year in June and I get to be a bridesmaid - wahoo! I love this duty.
Fact: When I see other people's blogs it makes me want to quit my job and focus solely on this so that I can perfect it and spend more time on the design. #sillyiknow
Fact: At the end of a cardio workout, I must make sure all of my calories and miles end in whole numbers - not decimals. (not 124.3 - must be 125) Does this make sense? #analretentivemuch
Fact: Halloween is my least favorite holiday, besides the candy bit.
Fact: Hi, my name is Kristi and I am an Instragm addict.
Fact: It is Mole day! (Mole as in Chemistry mole); makes me want to say moley, moley, moleeeey.
Happy Tuesday everyone! Enjoy the day. :)
In Him,

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