Friday, October 19, 2012

Ooooh, Happy Day!

Friday Night Highlights!

This week was interesting... I was not really stressed about my extremely hard test that came on Wednesday morning, UNTIL Wednesday morning. lol Ironically, okay not so ironic - I had not studied as much as I wanted but at this point for this test it was toooo late, I was "studied out" math is not my forte and I am just not so into studying for math! So alas, the grade I made I take full credit for and no complaining. HEY I passed! I was agreeable with it due to the low amount of studying that occurred. I am going to try harder on the next one! YES, that's the attitude I need to have & repeat "I love Chemistry!" until 12/14/12 when my class ends. lol

Moving on....
Linkin' up with Lauren for my H54F

1. I am going to be getting some boots from BELK (never ordered from there before but they had a really good sale going on) - I'll take pics when I receive them!
2. I was in need of some "professional attire" for work so I ordered a blazer and skirt for work! - excited to get those in the mail. I just love snail mail and packages in general.
3. I am wearing one of my favorite pairs of boots today. #FRESHFRIDAY

4. started my day off right with some Starbucks and Michael Buble!

5. Wednesday (I forgot my Random Wednesday post :/ - mental note; must get better!) is FIG - Flavour Influence Groups & Men of the House @ Fellowship Church - Grapevine Campus! & we had some new faces! I love meeting new people and getting to hear opinions from girls my age! 

Here's a picture of our group :)

::SHOUT OUT:: It's one of my group members birthdays today!
Everyone eat cake in honor of Jannehl Carranza Contreras today! Happy Birthday girl!!! I'm so blessed to have met such a sweet person! :)

I'm so excited about this weekend! I will get a chance to volunteer prior to shadowing (again) at Children's in the Emergency Department! It is beyond cool!

ALSO, The MIX & Prime are this weekend - woo! You don't want to miss out!

The Mix is for youth from 6th-12th grade - Saturdays from 6-8pm; Check-in at 5:30pm!

Prime is for college & young professionals! -Sundays after 10am service around 11:15am & 
then there is Prime PM where we hang out some where that evening around 7pm (usually).

If you're in the area and want to come - let me know!! It will be an awesome time!

**I have added fun for my weekend - Chemistry extra credit! It's "Mole" Day on Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 because the size of a mole is 6.022 x 10^23 (10/23/12) Anyway I'm not sure really but I need those 5pts on my exam grade! SO if anyone would like to help a sister out and knows how to sew - then, bring yoself on over to my place and we can have a "Mole" party! lol

Hope everyone had an awesome week! & is ready for the weekend because I sure am and it's going to rock! Praying for students and lives to be changed at FC this weekend!

love in Him,


  1. love your boots! so cute!

  2. Sounds like such a fun weekend!! Have a blast girl! New follower from #H54F.


  3. Thank you Anna!!

    Thanks, Falen! I had a great weekend. How was yours?

