Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me! :)

The Big 2-7! 

I don't really feeel like celebrating is that bad?! Don't get me wrong I am absolutely blessed and ecstatic that I'm alive and have made it to another birthday!! I'm thankful for where I am in life because there are people that have it so much worse and I should be thankful everyday I wake up and can breathe, see, walk, smell, etc. Little things in life are important. 

Hope everyone enjoys every day they have left on this earth! that is what I will be celebrating that & the many blessings I have!:)

don't look back & keep moving forward

God's Love

John Green

If you meet, it was fate and everything happens for a reason. So listen to your heart and keep those in your life who have proven to you that they want to be there.

Quotes About Strength - Inspirational Quotes #qotd

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8

R.I.P.... I had the honor of meeting Maya Angelou on several occasions... I am grateful for her wonderful contribution to our world.
