Friday, July 27, 2012

It's Friday, I'm in love!

IT'S FRIDAY ALREADY! this week felt like it flew by! (is it just me?) & I am so glad it did, it was an EXTREMELY stressful week.

annnnnd it's that time again...... you know ;) HIGH 5 for FRIDAY! I stole this cute idea from The Masseys Blog but I think she got it originally from Lauren over at From My Grey Desk! Go link up and tell everyone what your top 5 things of the week are! :) Yes... GO!

Anywhoo... without further ado, here are my top 5.

1. I have a little bit of an obsession with Michael Kors - watches! Okay, lets be honest - with everything MK. I own three MK watches (silver, cream&gold ceramic tones, & a gold) I love wearing them everywhere! I am craving a black or a brown one.
Here are some that are on my wish list:

 Okay, sorry thats enough, the ring was just added for some flavor, and lets be honest I've been eyeing it too!

2. Zumba class this week at 24 Hour Fitness in the VR was on FIRE! ;) I think it is my favorite work out besides, Nike Training Club and Boxing Boot Camp. Jason Wallace teaches at the VR location on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm and Saturdays from 11:30-12:30pm if you have not tried it, it is a MUST! He also has his own studio too if you don't have a 24 HR membership - but you could always come as a guest! I was having a rough week but I went to this class and I got a lot of stress & tension out!

3. This verse was a must read for me this week and the Lord knew it too. It's been rough going back to school with a full time job. I salute the people that do it that have children or a husband or are single parents, or just a full time job, etc. I don't know how y'all do it! I am ALWAYS exhausted and don't have time for anything.... so this verse is challenging but it definitely is so true & I got it off of SheReadsTruth

 4. My favorite season is Autumn otherwise known as fall but I think the word Autumn flows prettier off the tongue - (okay, sometimes I go back in forth between autumn/winter/summer/spring - I just like all of them but for different lengths of time, forgive me) BUT right now Autumn is my favorite. SO with that being said, I canNOT wait for the fashion, coats, jackets, boots, etc. I'm already dreaming of my fantasy wardrobe. Here is a little peek of my fantasy Autumn wardrobe:

MK trench coat - to die!

Oversized sweaters with leggings/booties,
yes please! & the hats!! ohhh, keep 'em coming! ;)


You guessed it more MK, I absolutely love his handbags - ha I would have all MK in my closet if I could! I really like Marc Jacobs as well! ;)

5. Count down until AP2 is finished - ONLY TWO more weeks until my class is over. I will be having some good sleeps after that! & hopefully sneak in a little socializing before my next class begins! Can you tell I'm a bit excited? Also, I will hopefully get to organizing/decorating my apartment!!!!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend. I do not have anything planned other than studying, studying, maybe a Zumba workout, more Studying and did I mention Studying?!

If you have any prayer requests, shoot me an email or comment and I will def write it down and send it up! ;)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Just a moment of . . . . .

THANKS !!!! :)

I posted on facebook that I was in need of prayers because I have been so unbelievably stressed out and overwhelmed with not only school but life in general - I have been blessed with some really fantastic people in my life. An outpouring of encouragement, prayers, etc was shown through fb, txts, and twitter yesterday and today! and it just is making me feel a whole lot better (like I'm not alone or something).

So thank you, and I'm thanking God for putting you in my life.

Happy Wednesday, folks!


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Long Days

Happy Tuesday Loves!

My weekend was good overall had some overwhelming moments but there were also a few fun moments to balance it out! 

I have two tests this week over the Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems (I had to learn these in basically 5 days), TALK ABOUT STRESSFUL. Tonight, I will take my Lab Practical and tomorrow after I get off work I will take my Lecture test, it is critical I make an "A" on these tests, not only because I want to actually learn the information being taught but also because I would like an A in my class! I'm a bit of a perfectionist even though I will never hit the mark - and yet I am so thankful for that because God doesn't want perfect people.

One of the fun moments that happened this weekend was spending Saturday evening with my good friend from college - Candace Haynie and her fiance and his best friends, a few of her friends from UNT and some friends from Tony & Guy Salon Hair School. It was a good time, we started the evening at Mi Cocina - downtown Ft Worth ate some delicious quesadilla's (should have taken a picture) and had a yummy margarita on the rocks, we went to Flying Saucer next and ended the evening at Pete's Piano Bar - very scandalous I should say! It was a fun night.

Picture of the group :)

Birthday girl and myself! 

Flying Saucer - outside patio, loved the atmosphere and lights. It was nice and breezy and it reminded me of NY or San Fran (even though I've never been to either!) Ps. Sorry - no clue who those people are. HA.

It was a good time. Lots of Laughs! The rest of the weekend was spent taking quizzes and studying - more of the stressful, overwhelming moments then realizing I have to wake up and go to work on Monday morning ugh - not enough time on the weekends, they are ALWAYS too short. 

Cannot wait until August 9th! Summer Semester II ENDS! I will celebrate:)

Friday, July 20, 2012

High Five 4 Friday :)

Well, Happy Friday my friends! Can I just say how #thankful I am that I made it to FRIDAY, for a second there I wasn't sure I was going too.

It is that time again, HF4F and I discovered this lovely idea from another blogger From My Grey Desk please check her out & link up! :)

this week....

1. I created a new station on my pandora! Francesca Battistelli - which b. t. w. I am LOVING

2. #SheReadsTruth is an amazing site....Check it out!!

3. I was slacking on my fabulous trainers but I have now decided to "dust myself off and try again" so thanks to my trainers Karina and Katrina for your inspirational tweets, if you want to get in on the action check out there site.

4. Speaking of "Tweets" - I have joined the twitter world again and you can find me here! ;)

5. Channeling my inner SJP and wearing pearls today! I absolutely cherish pearls, they always make me feel classy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I will be studying my hiney off!! & might squeeze in a Zumba workout in there and will be volunteering a Children's Medical Center in Dallas. If you don't know about that hospital they make such a difference in people's lives! #giveback


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Well the week is almost half over, except, I'm thinking to myself "it's only Wednesday"...

On the school front,

We began module II (which is chapters for exam II) over the Heart, Blood Vessels and Lymphatic systems. So far, it has been very overwhelming - man, the Lord's an intricate guy. Every single thing in your body has a name, arteries, veins, my goodness. I knew, but I didn't know.

In other news,

I am on Day 3 of Soul Detox  Jeremiah 12:1-4, but I like to read the whole chapter to get perspective, sometimes the one before and after.

What I took away from this chapter: many people, myself included say they are "Christians" but don't always live according to the way the Bible says we should. We speak about God and talk about the great things He has done for us, or how He saved someone and with the same mouth - out comes a curse word or we gossip about somebody we don't even know, I think this could be a version what
"...You are ever on their lips, but far from their conscience" (Jeremiah 12:2) 
is saying, it could also mean people that are not saved and are not believers yet have knowledge of God but are not convicted to turn from their "worldly ways". I also think of it in this way, about a year ago I was on a horrible path, angry for a lot of reasons that I won't get into - thank you Lord for forgiveness and didn't want anything to do with the church, God, or any "Christian" friends. I was into drinking a lot, all the time and just didn't care about the consequences, yet I would still talk about God like I wasn't doing anything wrong to my "Christian" friends. I think that is definitely a version of this verse. The Lord has been working in my heart for a while and I want to be genuine, I want to be real, so that's why I thought I would share a little piece of my struggles I have been through. Now, just because I went through that year abandoning God, because that's exactly what I did, that is the greatest thing about Him - He will NEVER abandon me and will ALWAYS love me (and you, yes you!) & PRAISE Him that it doesn't mean I am no longer a child of God or a "Christian". Beyond thankful for Him that he accepts me as I am, my sinful, screw-up self and that I can come into His presence without fear of rejection. #shereadstruth

I will get off the soap box, or just my rambling mode now! 

ZUMBA tonight ;) it's one of my FAVORITE workouts! If you have yet to try it, get your butt to a class! You will not regret it, unless you don't like to dance, then fine be a party pooper.

Also, this weekend on Sunday is one of my very good friends birthdays - I hope to share in her celebration this weekend, only if I study a lot prior! #crossingmyfingers #igotthis


Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Monday Fellow Bloggies!

Monday Happenings:

1. The Men Tell All on the Bachelorette is tonight! ( I will have to catch up on it tomorrow - since I will be in lab)

2. Lab Practical tonight over the Eye, Ear, Endocrine and Blood at 6PM (Say a prayer for me! :D)

Just thought I would give you a little preview as to what I have been studying for the last week! :)

3. I found this AWESOME blog and think I should share it with you, its called SheReadsTruth and its an awesome site where women can read the word together and share their thoughts, feelings, etc. as well as gain prayer from others and be able to pray with others! SPREAD the word! #shereadstruth

That is all.


Friday, July 13, 2012

New Beginning's

Welcome to my new and improved blog!
I want to get better at keeping up with this, I love reading everyone's blogs and think "I can do this".

First off, HAPPY FRIDAY!! :)

Hope you all are enjoying the day! this will be my FIRST High Five For Friday post! I am so excited, here I go...

1. This week I only had to work Tuesday - Friday, it was such a long week and I could not wait for today BUT after coming back from vacation I am very thankful to have a J.O.B and I know the experience I gain from here will be very helpful in obtaining the career that I want some day SOON! ;)

2. I found out I made an "A" in my first prerequisite class Anatomy and Physiology I. I literally jumped up and down with joy! PRAISE THE LORD. (if you knew how stressed out I had been, you would know just how hard I had worked - no social life for a month but BEYOND thankful!!) BTW if you didn't know I am in the process of finishing up my prerequisites to apply for the Physician's Assistant Program, most likely only to the programs in Texas - haven't quite made my mind up about that yet.

 3. SO I am going to cheat a little, since I haven't done this before and use something from last week. I received the most beautiful flowers from this one guy I dig on the day of my final for my class and it was such a sweet surprise.

4. My computer has been broken for about 8 months and my boss' husband is an IT guy (aka computer genius) and I never thought to ask if he could look at it, well my dad and I had planned to go computer shopping on Wednesday of this week - I happened to mention it in conversation at lunch (not even thinking) and she immediately asked if she could have her husband check it out for me!! She said if I brought it to her Thursday, he could most likely have it fixed and back to me by Friday! (SUCH A BLESSING TO HEAR. - you have no idea) I just moved into an apartment, have a ton of additional bills that come with that, on top of my other bills! He was able to FIX IT!!! A God thing!

5.  Extremely thankful for my parents because they have just done so much for me as of late and - hello ALL MY LIFE! :D I love you guys!