Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Well the week is almost half over, except, I'm thinking to myself "it's only Wednesday"...

On the school front,

We began module II (which is chapters for exam II) over the Heart, Blood Vessels and Lymphatic systems. So far, it has been very overwhelming - man, the Lord's an intricate guy. Every single thing in your body has a name, arteries, veins, my goodness. I knew, but I didn't know.

In other news,

I am on Day 3 of Soul Detox  Jeremiah 12:1-4, but I like to read the whole chapter to get perspective, sometimes the one before and after.

What I took away from this chapter: many people, myself included say they are "Christians" but don't always live according to the way the Bible says we should. We speak about God and talk about the great things He has done for us, or how He saved someone and with the same mouth - out comes a curse word or we gossip about somebody we don't even know, I think this could be a version what
"...You are ever on their lips, but far from their conscience" (Jeremiah 12:2) 
is saying, it could also mean people that are not saved and are not believers yet have knowledge of God but are not convicted to turn from their "worldly ways". I also think of it in this way, about a year ago I was on a horrible path, angry for a lot of reasons that I won't get into - thank you Lord for forgiveness and didn't want anything to do with the church, God, or any "Christian" friends. I was into drinking a lot, all the time and just didn't care about the consequences, yet I would still talk about God like I wasn't doing anything wrong to my "Christian" friends. I think that is definitely a version of this verse. The Lord has been working in my heart for a while and I want to be genuine, I want to be real, so that's why I thought I would share a little piece of my struggles I have been through. Now, just because I went through that year abandoning God, because that's exactly what I did, that is the greatest thing about Him - He will NEVER abandon me and will ALWAYS love me (and you, yes you!) & PRAISE Him that it doesn't mean I am no longer a child of God or a "Christian". Beyond thankful for Him that he accepts me as I am, my sinful, screw-up self and that I can come into His presence without fear of rejection. #shereadstruth

I will get off the soap box, or just my rambling mode now! 

ZUMBA tonight ;) it's one of my FAVORITE workouts! If you have yet to try it, get your butt to a class! You will not regret it, unless you don't like to dance, then fine be a party pooper.

Also, this weekend on Sunday is one of my very good friends birthdays - I hope to share in her celebration this weekend, only if I study a lot prior! #crossingmyfingers #igotthis


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