Friday, September 14, 2012

high five for friday

Good morning lovies! :) 

"it's Friday, Friday, evvvvverbody loves Friday! TGIF, Friday! Wahooooo"

That was me doing my Friday dance/singsong voice! lol Hope everyone's day has started off on the right foot! However, mine did not..... I woke up an hour late, was only about 15 minutes late to work, thankful for a boss that doesn't really care what time I get in if I let her know & my other two boss' (CFO & AVP) are out of the office! #score --- Moving on!

 So this week was a little rough, okay let's be honest just Thursday, as in yesterday. I had my first lab test/quiz/experiment, what could go wrong?! HA. never ask that question. I was stressed out because I had to have goggles for lab but I had yet to buy them, so the procrastinator in me waits until the day of to buy them before class. I usually leave work around 4:40pm to head to school -- frantically worrying if there would be any goggles left (yes, I worry about things I can't control) I got there about 5:20pm and there were TONS of goggles left, WHEW dodged that bullet. Okay, so I'm thinking I'm all good and prepared for class - so I go to change clothes, because you have to wear certain clothes to Chemistry Lab - whoknew - after I change clothes I'm finally chilled out and I can go wait for class to begin (this is about 5:30). I'm sitting there thinking and I realize we are having a quiz and lab over measurement today so I will need my calculator, well I dig through my purse and my bag and its NO WHERE to be found! I die - my face is burning, I'm getting anxious - my stomach gets this sick feeling. I'm thinking greaaaat way to begin your first grades in this class by being unprepared. So we get through lecture -- all the while I am not really paying any attention because I'm so nervous about the quiz and I'm in a rather foul mood, just because I'm very hard on myself. We take a break in between lecture/lab and when we returned for lab it was time to take the quiz; to my surprise Dr. Peterson had a stack of calculators waiting for us if anyone needed one. WOW, can I just say that the Lord always, always, always takes care of us even if we are doubtful or scared or worried or whatever the case may be and we I have got to learn this! I mean really I could have trusted the Lord to take care of it and saved myself a lot of worry, etc. Thanks for the lesson, I'm going to try my best to remember this the next time I get stressed out, scared, worried! (and really all of that wasn't THAT big of a deal - I just made it more of a big deal than it was - yes I know no need to point that out. Ha.)

 On to my High Five For Friday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :) & as always linkin' up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk!

1.) My new AbundantLife Day Book - 365 Blessings to begin your day. It's very refreshing, I bought it at the Source book store at my church a month ago! I love it! 

2.) New Earring from Etsy - LOVE THEM. I want more! (mine have gold backs) I've worn them 28394723874X okay more like 6X already.

3.) Okay - so first pair of TOMS & they are pretty amazing as well. 

4.) Getting to spend time with my sister last weekend! She never gets time off and she got time off last weekend and it was just really special! Happy we got a fun-filled family weekend! :) 

5.) I am obsessed with Vitamin Water ZERO - GLOW, Lemonade and there are others.... Try it out if you haven't! (not I'm not getting paid to say this)

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend to everyone! Hope its a blessed one and you are able to find joy in the things you already have! PS. isn't the weather fabulous -- welcome fall :)



  1. Hooray for sister time! (and LOVE those TOMS...I'm lobbying to get myself a pair, but my hubby thinks they are ugly :/ )

  2. :) Oh, you definitely should... I thought they were too for the longest time but when I put them on my feet it's like they just smiled! So comfy.

  3. Oh those mint earrings are too cute! My friend makes jewelry so I'll have to show her these because they seriously look like they could be a money maker! So beautiful! I just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

  4. Bonnie,

    Very nice to meet you! Oh, that's awesome? Anything I've seen? or where can I check it out!?

    So glad to have you :)
    Kristi Brooke
