Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Beginnings....

The last two days have had some exciting things occur - well exciting to me!!!!! but before I share them with you I want to share something else.

The Lord is so gracious, reliable and our ultimate provider. He is our everlasting love. It is amazing the more time I spend in His word and experiencing His truths I can see Him moving in me and rearranging things in my life to fit His purpose. One important truth as I was reading in "Too Blessed For This Mess" is that we as Christians may focus too much on the future and what is too come, yet we are not promised a future, we are given the present and we should focus on the moments we are given - they are a gift! Even if you think you are not where you should be, God says you are right where you need to be right now. (A couple verses to back that up are James 4:13-16; Matthew 6:34; Psalm 118:24) I really needed to hear this because I have been in a discouraged mood lately, just with being overwhelmed and not knowing what my next steps should be as far as career, life, church, etc.

So. . . . moving on to my exciting news! This past Sunday while being in the service as Fellowship Church at Grapevine campus, they mentioned that The Mix is going to be moving to Saturday evenings after the service. I got so excited and thought "I can volunteer in the youth and help out at the mix", this was a RANDOM thought, I hadn't been praying about it for months or even days or anything. It just caught my attention, when I lived in Denton, I attended Denton Bible Church and helped out with their youth group for a year and it was the time of my life. I had made some great friendships and also felt I grew a lot in my spiritual walk. They asked that if people were interested in volunteering for The Mix stay and they would talk about the upcoming ideas/future for the youth group, so I decided to dive in (it also helped that my sister was sitting next to me) and boy am I glad I did! I wrote my information down so that I could be contacted regarding volunteering in the student ministry as well as FC Connect which is the equivalent of greeters, etc. I received a call yesterday! inviting me to a dinner this coming Saturday night to meet the youth pastor as well as other volunteers. I am so excited about it! I think it's the HS (Holy Spirit) moving inside of me doing a little dance! ;)

Next up, most of you know that I am pursuing the medical field, to become a Physician Assistant. I am just starting my prerequisites and I have 6 more classes to go, maybe a couple more but today I am getting the excitement you feel when you can't wait for something? If that makes sense. . . yesterday I looked up 4 PA's, 1 here at UTSW and 3 at Children's Medical Center. I emailed them regarding shadowing opportunities and received a response from the PA here at UTSW. I am going to meet with him for lunch tomorrow and ask him some questions, etc. I will probably begin shadowing after September! I AM THRILLED!!!! this will be a great learning experience and the guy that I contacted has been beyond helpful and seems to just want to help me anyway he can! It is truly a blessing from God! I have been relunctant to contact people I do not know... but sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith!

I am so excited for what is happening in the NOW of my life but I know if it is the Lords will that the future will only get better. :)

Hope you all have an amazing Tuesday!
Be a blessing to someone today.


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