Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fact Tuesday


The Fact Is....15 facts for January 15th!
Fact: I'm more ready than ever to do what it takes to get to where I want to be in life, the job I have currently is unbelievably NOT. FOR. ME. Over it.
Fact: Too add to the above, my desk chair makes my derrière ache... I thought that was a sign of turning 60 or something?!
Fact: I love snow, I enjoy looking at it from the window, I love how pretty it looks on the rooftops and before anyone has left footprints. I do not love driving in snow, snow being blown in my face, having to walk in the slush to get inside. I thought I would never say this, but I'm ready for winter to be OVER.
Fact: I realized while being a stealthy creeper on Facebook yesterday, that I have never been more ghost-like, and by ghost-like, I mean my skin looks bloodless, in fact its safe to say I could be on Twilight and blend right in with those vamps.
Fact: "Mission - Bronze Babe" (yes, I just came up with that - I don't know how I could be so clever?) begins pronto, and by pronto I mean tonight - too bad I don't have any self-tanner with me right now!, I would begin applying. Don't think I wouldn't.
Fact: I hate to admit this but I love the shows on the WB. ESPECIALLY Heart of Dixie with Rachel Bilson - she is the cutest thing, and tiny too - I'm so glad I don't have her genes... not. Also, Emily Owens, M.D. is another one that I adore, it's brainless, silly and yet... addicting. I either need to keep the TV off in the evenings or succumb to my habit of watching trivial shows. Someone help me with my dependence.
Fact: I'm not sure why I decided to give you all 15 facts other than what day it was. I wanted to have some creative way but honestly, nope, just because today is the 15th. Don't judge.
Fact: The Energy drink from AdvoCare is AMAZEBALLS. Yes, I just used that word.
Fact: 24 Hour Fitness might as well be my new best friend, I spend a lot of time there. I don't know why I am in such good shape, but obviously I have been hangin out with my BFF too much ;)
Fact: Between yesterday and today, I hit the snooze button 9X! How lazy am I! I will say that today I did get up earlier than yesterday, slowly but surely getting better ;) I can't help but want to stay snuggled in my bed.
Fact: I just had two rice cakes for lunch.... Okay, YEAH RIGHT. but that would have been a good way to diet?? - no actually I am having a proper, well-balanced meal, spinach, green peppers, almonds, some-kind of seed that I do not know the name of...and hopefully some lite dressing and by lite I mean lite! 24DayChallenge is ruling my life. Bring on Feb 1st.
Fact: Feb 1st is the last day of my 24 Day Challenge, even though I am noticing positive changes - secretly or not so secretly can't wait for it to be over! I love CHEESE.
Fact: I was not one of the millions watching the Bachelor last night.
Fact: I want to be able to surf one day and sail as well! Although - #Imafraidoftheocean
Fact: This past week/weekend I have heard more girls with the name "Kristi, Kristy, Kristie, Christy, Christi" than my entire childhood. Cray. Cray.

 One More Fact:
Happy Tuesday. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Case of the Mondays....

I am having a case of the Mondays.... absolutely did not want to wake up and go to work this morning!
How was everyone's weekend? 

A few quotes to get your week going!  (I needed to hear them too!)












and last but not least, states the simple truth -->

Happy Motivational Monday you guys! ;) Hold on to hope! 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Liebster Award

Thank you to Erin Gandy over at The Gandy's Simple Life for nominating me for the Liebster Award!!!!!!

The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  It's a way to get to know your fellow bloggers! 

What is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The Rules

1. List 11 facts about yourself.

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.

3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.

4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.

5. Go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award.

6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
 11 Random Facts About Yours Truly
1. I mainly prefer dark nail polish colors or very light on my hands! i.e. black, dark purple, dark red, or light pink or almost white are my go to colors - don't like crazy colors or the trend where you paint your ring finger a different color than the rest. Just can't do it. lol 
2. Even though I graduated in 2010 from the University of North Texas with a Bachelors in Psychology and am not using it right now, I was crazy and decided I wanted to go back to school to become a Physician Assistant this past summer - began taking prereqs in June 2012.
3. I work for the CFO and another VP at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Almost everyone I work with is over the age of 40.
4. My favorite day of the week is SUNDAY.
5. I hate waking up early, I despise, detest and wish I could work just a 12-5 job. Only if it paid well! Although sometimes I would like to be a morning person so that I could get my workout over with for the day. 
6. I always dreamed of being married by 25 - CRAZY. Now that I am 25 I can't even imagine being married at the moment.
7. My guilty pleasure is the show REVENGE on abc.
8. I am not only on the 24 Day Challenge but am also now an AdvoCare Independent Distributor - if you want to try some products I'm your girl!!! Let me know ;)
9. I absolutely love to read but I don't ever have time for it.
10. I'm a ZUMBA addict.
11. I wouldn't mind being a missionary, in fact - one day I hope I am, on medical missions that is.
 11 Questions from Erin
1. What is the last thing you bought?
I bought groceries because I began the 24 Day Challenge and I needed to buy some healthy foods! 

2. What's your favorite & least favorite thing about the city you live in?
My favorite thing, I enjoy the noise - as much as that may be weird, I love the hustle and bustle and fast pace, I do like peace and quiet but I'm such a social butterfly and can only take peace and quiet at a SPA! lol Least Favorite thing - I'm cheating because I have two! Traffic - no brainer and that all my friends live so far away in different places, I wish we all lived closer to each other!!  

3. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I hope to be out of PA school working at a Children's Hospital - not sure what specialty yet, (Emergency Medicine, Cardiology or just Gen Pediatrics are my interests right now), hopefully if not already married - close to being married and have been on a medical mission trip to somewhere overseas that does not have access to direct medical care! I really just want to be on the path that the Lord has panned out for me.

4. What is your favorite book?
This might sound so cliche - but I love Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. A great description and story of how God can plan your life and you would never dream of the healing and love that could come of certain relationships.

5. What blogs are on your "daily must read" list?

6. What's your favorite post on your own blog? 

7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
 I am a huge germaphobe (also known as mysophobia) and it irritates me when people find out they try to make it a joke, for instance I don't like for anyone to eat off my plate or vice versa - so when someone finds out and then pretends to reach for a bite, or asks... oh boy I'm like "I will cut you. No seriously, watch out." lol

8. Who can make you laugh the most and why?
This one is a hard one, I have a lot of people in my life that can make me laugh - each for different reasons.
 I would have to say my bestie Sammie Schwartz - any time we are together we get the giggles, we laugh about old times and we're just plain silly together! I love that girl!

9. What have you laughed about today?
 A coworker who shall remain nameless called me to ask if I had "good eyes", she is older than I am and needed me to read something for her... Idk if you were here you would have laughed too - random and reminds me yet again that I am the youngest here. Also shows how boring fun the job I have is! ha
Melissa Schwartz status' on FB - she gets me everytime!

10. What is your favorite meal to cook/bake?
 I love to make homemade pizza, for one it is SUPER easy and two its just that good.

11. What is your biggest regret?
 I regret not figuring out what I ultimately wanted to do before college and now having to go back - wasted so much money!! 

My questions for You
1. What were your New Years' Resolution?
2. If you could travel to any country, where would it be?
3. What is your number one blogging recommendation to bloggers just starting out?
4. What is your go to "junk food"?
5. Why did you begin blogging?
6. What song do you have on repeat these days?
7.  Do you have any long-term career goals?
8. What is your favorite thing to do in your free-time?
9. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
10. What is your favorite recipe?
11. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
 I nominate.... 

F. R. I. D. A. Y.

 SO an old friend Erin Gandy left me a comment on one of these older HF4F posts and said she missed them!!!! SO HERE YOU go little lady!!!! 
1. It is finally F. R. I. D. A. Y.
2. PRiMe kicked off  this week. #seesters #cuties ;)
Photo: @juliethetford @fcprime KICK-OFF! @fellowshipchurch #fellowshipchurch #PRIME
3. THE MIX at Fellowship Church kicked off this week and IT WAS OFF THA CHAIN!! They had some fellow FT WORTH folks in the house! Rappin', Hip Hop, Crazy fun times! If you missed it this week, there is always next week!!!!! Better show up!
Photo: @fccreative @themixfc @fellowshipchurch bringin' some hot beats & lyrics tonight! #Jesusmuzic #rappin #getyahandsup #themixfc
4. I started the 24 Day Challenge by Advocare - check it out! I am only on day 3 and I am noticing positive changes!!!! 
5. Manicure. OPI. Alpine Snow. Win. (wasn't quite sure how I would feel about this color BUT I must say it's totally growing on me ;)!)
 Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! I plan too ;) I am seeing a few of my old besties for dinner this evening as well as C.H.U.R.C.H & P.R.I.M.E on Sunday! :D I will even squeeze in a new workout or two!